Monday, 23 February 2015


Food is always a good idea! Today calls for an exciting food post to fight the Monday blues! If you're ever in need of an exclusive evening plan with friends, (and live in Berlin) this post is for you. My best friend visited the Cookeria last week in Berlin Charlottenburg and indulged in this wonderful food experience. I would have loved to be there too but couldn't, so I asked him to take some nice photos for a guest post for you guys :) The Cookeria is a cooking studio you can visit with friends or colleagues to cook and enjoying your own 5 course meal. Very simple. So delish!

His dinner consisted of:
Appetizer: Carpaccio with Salad
Starter: Lentil mustard soup
Middle course: Fettuccine with sea bass in homemade tomato sugo and basil
Main course: Corn chicken breast in estragon sauce with mashed potato and baby spinach 
Dessert: Caramelized pear with vanilla ice cream

Enjoy the photos and make sure to pay this place a visit!

DE: Falls ihr mal ein exklusives Event sucht, dass ihr mit Freunden erleben wollt, dann besucht unbedingt die Cookeria in Berlin Charlottenburg. Hier kannst du in der Küche für Eilige gemeinsam ein 5-Gänge Menü zaubern und es danach gemeinsam genießen. Ich habe das letzte Woche erlebt und ich sage nur WOW!!! Das Personal war super freundlich, hilfsbereit und gab eine sehr gute Anleitung.

Was gab es bei uns?
Vorspeise: Carpaccio an Salatbouquet
Suppe: Senf-Süppchen von roten Linsen
Zwischengericht: Fettuccine mit Wolfsbarsch in Tomaten-Sugo und Basilikum
Hauptgericht: Maishähnchenbrust in Estragon-Sahnesoße mit Kartoffelpüree und frischem Blattspinat
Dessert: Karamellisierte Birne mit Vanilleeis

OMG, das war so lecker! Wir haben leider gar nicht alles geschafft zu essen, aber wir haben alles genossen.Zu guter Letzt haben wir das gesamte Rezept zum Nachkochen noch schriftlich mitbekommen. Wisst ihr aber was das Schönste daran war? Wir mussten weder aufräumen noch abspülen. 

Guest post by Timelessmotives
Photos by Timelessmotives


Food is always a good idea! Today calls for an exciting food post to fight the Monday blues! If you're ever in need of an exclusive evening plan with friends, (and live in Berlin) this post is for you. My best friend visited the Cookeria last week in Berlin Charlottenburg and indulged in this wonderful food experience. I would have loved to be there too but couldn't, so I asked him to take some nice photos for a guest post for you guys :) The Cookeria is a cooking studio you can visit with friends or colleagues to cook and enjoying your own 5 course meal. Very simple. So delish!

His dinner consisted of:
Appetizer: Carpaccio with Salad
Starter: Lentil mustard soup
Middle course: Fettuccine with sea bass in homemade tomato sugo and basil
Main course: Corn chicken breast in estragon sauce with mashed potato and baby spinach 
Dessert: Caramelized pear with vanilla ice cream

Enjoy the photos and make sure to pay this place a visit!

Monday, 16 February 2015

Burger Art

What: Burger Art 
Where: Albrechtstraße 131, Steglitz, Berlin
What to eat: Sweet Dreams Burger with Goats cheese and cranberry sauce + sweet potato fries 
Verdict: Delicious meat and perfectly fried fries in groundnut (or peanut) oil. Make sure to give this tiny but super cool Burger restaurant a chance, should you pay Berlin a visit! You won't get disappointed.

P.S How cool is the interior though? Loved the Moroccan x Portuguese vibe! I felt like I was having lunch somewhere in Lisbon... Oh Lisbon.

Photos by Timelessmotives & me

Burger Art

What: Burger Art 
Where: Albrechtstraße 131, Steglitz, Berlin
What to eat: Sweet Dreams Burger with Goats cheese and cranberry sauce + sweet potato fries 
Verdict: Delicious meat and perfectly fried fries in groundnut (or peanut) oil. Make sure to give this tiny but super cool Burger restaurant a chance, should you pay Berlin a visit! You won't get disappointed.

P.S How cool is the interior though? Loved the Moroccan x Portuguese vibe! I felt like I was having lunch somewhere in Lisbon... Oh Lisbon.


Sunday, 15 February 2015

Bond Girl Material

The guys from Triangl know me too well. They never cease to surprise me. This time they sent over this hot number for my travels this summer! I feel like a Bond girl by just looking at it. Summer can't get here soon enough. Get the Winnie-Arizona Sunset (rhymes with Minnie hehe) here

De: Das Triangl Swimwear Team kennt mich zu gut. Kürzlich schickten sie mir diesen tollen Bikini in Vorbereitung auf meine Reisen dieses Jahr. Schon allein beim Anblick fühle ich mich wie ein Bond girl. Dieses Modell nennt sich Winnie-Arizona Sunset und eures könnt ihr hier kaufen Jetzt fehlt mir nur noch der Sommer!

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