Friday 1 March 2013


Yellow.  I want Summer back! I mean seriously, it is about time for this bad weather to just disappear. Do you think it's possible that we'll have 30 degrees tomorrow? Is there a tiny spark of hope that Summer will suprise us? I sure hope so, but 30 degrees, okay that is not going to happen. I have been super sick after London Fashion Week and actually just got better the past 2 days. Therefore, excuse the lack of outfit posts, as I have been in bed for almost 2 weeks. Unless of course you want to see my very loose sick-in-bed lounge wear! Anyway, tomorrow I'll have a meeting with the lovely Diana from and we'll probably do a little streetstyle photoshoot session -  so stay tuned. I leave you with some outfit inspiration in one of my favourite colour.
Until then, good night and have a great weekend! :)



Yellow.  I want Summer back! I mean seriously, it is about time for this bad weather to just disappear. Do you think it's possible that we'll have 30 degrees tomorrow? Is there a tiny spark of hope that Summer will suprise us? I sure hope so, but 30 degrees, okay that is not going to happen. I have been super sick after London Fashion Week and actually just got better the past 2 days. Therefore, excuse the lack of outfit posts, as I have been in bed for almost 2 weeks. Unless of course you want to see my very loose sick-in-bed lounge wear! Anyway, tomorrow I'll have a meeting with the lovely Diana from and we'll probably do a little streetstyle photoshoot session -  so stay tuned. I leave you with some outfit inspiration in one of my favourite colour.
Until then, good night and have a great weekend! :)


Wednesday 27 February 2013

Goldie London SS13

Goldie London. Okay for sure one of my favourite Lookbooks so far: The new Goldie London collection Endless Summer is available and I not only love the pieces of the collection but more so the gorgeous photographs. The East London based womenswear fashion brand was founded by Michelle Goldie and is for the cool girl; 'young, flirty and fun' , as described by Drapers Magazine. It is not only oh so beautiful but very affordable. 
Goldie London. Eines meiner absoluten Lieblingslookbooks bosher. Die neue Goldie London Kollektion Endless Summer ist online erhältlich und ich liebe alle Teile der Kollektion. Aber noch mehr bin ich hingerissen von diesen wunderschönen Fotografien. Michelle Goldie ist die Designerin hinter Goldie London. Perfekt das coole Mädchen und Drapers Magazine beschreibt sie als 'jung,flirty und fun'. Sie ist nicht nur sehr schön sondern auch bezahlbar.

photos via Goldie London

Goldie London SS13

Goldie London. Okay for sure one of my favourite Lookbooks so far: The new Goldie London collection Endless Summer is available and I not only love the pieces of the collection but more so the gorgeous photographs. The East London based womenswear fashion brand was founded by Michelle Goldie and is for the cool girl; 'young, flirty and fun' , as described by Drapers Magazine. It is not only oh so beautiful but very affordable. 

Tuesday 26 February 2013


Orla Kiely. When I entered the rooms of the Lester Elms Gallery I was taken back in time. A time where typing writers and corded telephones were common.The 50's/60's I suppose were the theme of the new Orla Kiely collection this season. The movie 'Catch me if you can' popped up in my head when I observed the adorable show set. Not only because I adore Leonardo DiCaprio guys...really! The presentation and retro show space was actually based on the movie 'The best of everything' - but I was close right? I covered the presentation for the lovely guys of I loved the bright colors the collection revolved around. Made me believe that Spring or Summer are not too far away now!The collection overall was too girly for my liking, but I really enjoyed the very original presentation. Models walking around in an office, typing, phoning, chatting - work atmosphere as you would imagine in the 50's including a catwalk from time to time! If that is not original then what is? All in all, a great experience. I met amazing people, got to chat with the sweetest Model I've met so far, not that I have met loads but still was nice to speak about the collection with one who actually presented it.

Orla Kiely. Als ich die Räumlichkeiten der Lester Elms Gallery betrat wurde ich in die Zeit zürück versetzt in der Schreibmaschinen und Schnurtelefone üblich waren. Die 50er/60er waren das Thema der neuen Orla Kiely Kollektion diese Saison. Ich musste sofort an den Film 'Catch me if you can' denken als ich die ersten Models sah, und das nicht nur weil ich Leonardo DiCaprio toll finde...wirklich! Ich habe die Präsentation für die tollen Mädels von besucht. Die Präsentation und der sehr retro inspirierte Schauplatz basierte in Wirklichkeit auf dem Film 'The best of everything' - aber ich war nah dran oder? Mir haben die Farben sehr gut gefallen, sie erinnerten mich daran das Frühling und auch Sommer nicht mehr weit weg ist. Die gesamte Kollektion war aber zu girly für mich. Dennoch mochte ich die sehr originelle Präsentation. Die Models liefen in einem Büro herum, tippten, telefonierten, unterhielten sich - ein Arbeitsleben wie man es sich in den 50ern vorstellt. Dazu dann noch ein Catwalk. Also wenn das nicht originell, was dann? Alles in allem, ein tolles Erlebnis. Ich habe einen Haufen interessanter Leute getroffen, und mich außerdem mit dem nettesten Model bisher unterhalten. Nicht das ich bis jetzt so viele persönlich getroffen hätte, aber es war schön sich mit jemanden über die Kollektion zu unterhalten, der aktiv an der Präsentation beteiligt war.

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