Another great event during this season of Berlin Fashion Week was the Sundowner and Poolparty hosted by the lovely Cover PR girls. Thanks again for the invite girls I had a blast! Despite the quite high temperatures a few days ago, it was nice to just chill out for a change.
Fashion Week is fun but can also be super stressful. I always plan to attend way too many shows and events ending up super exhausted. So this season I decided to focus on the most important and fun activities though. The poolparty was definitely one of them. I saw a few familiar faces, we hung out and simply enjoyed sipping on drinks in the sun. I got to see Ricarda and Fiona again. Fun times! Oh and the food... oh my days, so delicious. Thanks for the delightful event Cover PR.
Fashion Week is fun but can also be super stressful. I always plan to attend way too many shows and events ending up super exhausted. So this season I decided to focus on the most important and fun activities though. The poolparty was definitely one of them. I saw a few familiar faces, we hung out and simply enjoyed sipping on drinks in the sun. I got to see Ricarda and Fiona again. Fun times! Oh and the food... oh my days, so delicious. Thanks for the delightful event Cover PR.
DE: Ein weiteres tolles Event das diese Woche im Rahmen der Berlin Fashion Week stattfand, war die Cover PR Sundowner und Poloparty. Danke Mädels für die Einladung, ich hatte eine grandiose Zeit. Auch wenn es auch an diesem Tag superheiß war, war es schön mal wieder runterzukommen vom ganzen Fashion Trubel und einfach mal bei Drinks und gutem Essen zu entspannen. Ich traf einige bekannte Gesichter wieder, darunter auch Ricarda und Fiona. FUN! Fashion Week kann oftmals sehr stressig sein, daher tut es mal gut, auf Events wie dieses zu gehen. Dort hat man Zeit sich mit Leuten zu unterhalten, ohne ständig daran zu denken wo man als nächstes hinrennen muss. Ich hatte sehr viel Spaß und habe mich gefreut, eingeladen worden zu sein. Danke Cover PR!
Ph. by myself with OLYMPUS PEN Lite E-PL7