Monday 14 January 2013


BERLIN. I landed in Berlin last night. This photo was taken on my way to the airport. London was freezing cold and now I heard it's actually snowing over there - not that Berlin is any better.... Anyway I am excited about tomorrow and anticipate the first shows during Berlin Fashion Week! The next few days will be a lot of fun and probably quite stressful, but in a good way! :) Stay tuned for all the coming updates of outfits and shows I will attend. Lots of love guys!



BERLIN. I landed in Berlin last night. This photo was taken on my way to the airport. London was freezing cold and now I heard it's actually snowing over there - not that Berlin is any better.... Anyway I am excited about tomorrow and anticipate the first shows during Berlin Fashion Week! The next few days will be a lot of fun and probably quite stressful, but in a good way! :) Stay tuned for all the coming updates of outfits and shows I will attend. Lots of love guys!


Tuesday 8 January 2013

MBFW: Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Inspiration

MBFW. YES guys! It's that time of the year again. Fashion week season is here again and some of the Mens Collection shows in London have already taken place. No wonder that, Berlin Fashion Week is just around the corner too! I just got back to London yesterday to the shows here I haven't been able to  attend (also because Uni has started *buhh*) But I've already booked my flight to Berlin and  let me tell you, I can't wait!!! I'm slowly starting to panic because I haven't sorted out any outfit yet. Therefore I had to spend some time checking out my favourite blogger ladies Aimee, Carolina and Angelica, to at least get some inspiration. After all these amazing photos, you can look forward to some different but amazing outfits! Got yourself a favourite?
 MBFW. JA Leute! Es ist schon wieder an der Zeit. Es ist wieder Fashion Week Saison und einige Shows in London haben schon stattgefunden. Daher ist man nicht überrascht, dass auch die Fashion Week in Berlin schon auf uns wartet. Ich bin gestern morgen erst wieder in Lodon angekommen und konnte bisher keine Show der Mens Collection besuchen (vor allem weil auch die Uni wieder losgeht *buhh*) Aber ich kann euch sagen, dass ich in Berlin defintitiv dabei bin. Meinen Flug habe ich schon gebucht, und so langsam wird es auch Zeit meine Outfits zusammenzustellen....PANIK! Hier einige Inspiration von meinen 3 Lieblingsbloggern Aimee, Carolina und Angelica. Ihr werdet dieses mal einen anderen Stil an mir sehen dürfen! Welches ist euer Liebelingsoutfit?
photos via Fashionsquad, Songofstyle, Angelicablick


MBFW: Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Inspiration

MBFW. YES guys! It's that time of the year again. Fashion week season is here again and some of the Mens Collection shows in London have already taken place. No wonder that, Berlin Fashion Week is just around the corner too! I just got back to London yesterday to the shows here I haven't been able to  attend (also because Uni has started *buhh*) But I've already booked my flight to Berlin and  let me tell you, I can't wait!!! I'm slowly starting to panic because I haven't sorted out any outfit yet. Therefore I had to spend some time checking out my favourite blogger ladies Aimee, Carolina and Angelica, to at least get some inspiration. After all these amazing photos, you can look forward to some different but amazing outfits! Got yourself a favourite?

Thursday 3 January 2013


     Zara Coat/ H&M Jumper and Jeans/ Primark Heels&Bag/ PreeBrulee Necklace/ Ifeelused Sunnies

PREEBRULEE. The third day of the year 2013 starts with an outfit post from Berlin! The weather is okay, rainy but still great to shoot outfits. I love being back here with my family and all my friends! Its has been a fun week so far. I don't want to leave on Monday, but luckily I will be back a week later to attend a few shows during Berlin Fashion Week. FUN :) Today I am wearing my amazing necklace from PreeBrulee! I love not only the style of it but especially the colour. It goes great with my new printed jeans. Wish you all a great week!


photos by Matilda H.
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