Saturday 23 November 2013

When in doubt....

 GO TO BERLIN! You guys it finally happened, I managed to upload my little Insta bits from the Berlin trip a week ago. As you all should know by now I am an Instagram ADDICT - so if you guys are on Instagram as well feel free to follow me (@minnieknows) because I update my feed quite regularly (at least there, yes,...)!
Enjoy the photos! 

1. Being from Berlin, I don't really need a guide for my walk arounds but pretty much loved the book guide up there.
2. A pretty building, like so many around the neighborhood Mitte, which is my favorite area to meet up with friends or have coffee breaks with my family.

3. Berlin really incredibly pretty during the fall season! I probably took hundred photos - had to be done! 

4. A little fall outfit, which included layiering. Of course!

5. Above the sky on my way to Berlin. Should've been the first photo I reckon now. Oh well, cookies anyone?

6. Meeting attire is quite the challenge when's it s freaking freezing outside.... Did I do well?

7. & 8. Art by 44 Flavours on the walls of the Hotel 'The Weinmeister' in Mitte!

9.  One of those Charles Eames inspired chairs I must buy my apartment in Berlin! I don't care how uncomfy it is! 

10. Did anyone say more layers? YES, it got colder and colder in Berlin which meant more layers...

11. A glass of sparkling wine before a concert never hurt nobody! Am I right?

12. Saw Passenger play live with my Mum! Such a great gig and amazing night :)

13., 14. & 15.  Last but not least a sneaky peek into my very own Premier Suite at the design Hotel Lux Eleven, where I resided for a few days for work. More about that later though.

Happy Weekend lovelies!

Minnie x

When in doubt....

 GO TO BERLIN! You guys it finally happened, I managed to upload my little Insta bits from the Berlin trip a week ago. As you all should know by now I am an Instagram ADDICT - so if you guys are on Instagram as well feel free to follow me (@minnieknows) because I update my feed quite regularly (at least there, yes,...)!
Enjoy the photos! 

1. Being from Berlin, I don't really need a guide for my walk arounds but pretty much loved the book guide up there.
2. A pretty building, like so many around the neighborhood Mitte, which is my favorite area to meet up with friends or have coffee breaks with my family.

3. Berlin really incredibly pretty during the fall season! I probably took hundred photos - had to be done! 

4. A little fall outfit, which included layiering. Of course!

5. Above the sky on my way to Berlin. Should've been the first photo I reckon now. Oh well, cookies anyone?

6. Meeting attire is quite the challenge when's it s freaking freezing outside.... Did I do well?

7. & 8. Art by 44 Flavours on the walls of the Hotel 'The Weinmeister' in Mitte!

9.  One of those Charles Eames inspired chairs I must buy my apartment in Berlin! I don't care how uncomfy it is! 

10. Did anyone say more layers? YES, it got colder and colder in Berlin which meant more layers...

11. A glass of sparkling wine before a concert never hurt nobody! Am I right?

12. Saw Passenger play live with my Mum! Such a great gig and amazing night :)

13., 14. & 15.  Last but not least a sneaky peek into my very own Premier Suite at the design Hotel Lux Eleven, where I resided for a few days for work. More about that later though.

Happy Weekend lovelies!

Minnie x

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Tuesday night Outings

Hello, My name is Minnie and I am bad blogger.

Okay guys I did it. Finally outet myself as a bad blogger. Please forgive me yet again for the lack of posts! I came back from Berlin where I had the best time (yes it's already a week ago), and still haven't found the time to even post the photos of my short visit, which included some special and pleasant work actually. Long story short: loads of Uni work to be done, GQ x H&M event tomorrow and then apart from more Uni work, Stylight is in town and invited me and some other lovely UK bloggers to party.
That I am really looking forward to this week! I am also working on a project with/for Stylight and another one for Zalando - still need to get those done this week. Oh boy! Well, until then, here some random inspirational images I found on my girl Holly's amazing Pinterest this week (yepp that's what I like to do to get my mind off things, pinterest-ing ). I want to blog so much more guys and your sweet messages do not go unnoticed. Thank you heaps for your support. I will get back into it asap....I won't make any promises yet though! Just kidding. ;)

Happy Tuesday!

Minnie x

DE: Okay, das wird jetzt langsam aber peinlich. Schon wieder muss ich mich dafür entschuldigen, dass ich ewig (ja eine Woche ist in der Bloggersphere eine Ewigkeit) nich gebloggt habe! Ich finde zurzeit einfach immer noch nicht die Zeit zu fotografieren und zu bloggen. Ich bin seit einer Woche wieder in London und vermisse Berlin schon. Um so nerviger, dass ich noch nicht einmal die Zeit finden konnte die Berlin Bilder zu posten. Bald aber, hoffentlich.  Naja die Woche hat erst angefangen und wird wieder super busy. Abgesehen von super viel Arbeit für die Uni, ist morgen das GQ x H&M event und später in der Woche lädt das tolle team von Sytlight wieder zum feiern ein. Darauf freu mich trotz stressiger Woche dann doch! 
Bis dahin, hier einiges ans Insiration. So kalt wie es zurzeit ist, verbringe ich meine Pausen zwischen dem büffeln gerne mit gefühlt stundelangen Pinterest anschauen. Diese Bilder habe ich auf dem tollen Pinterest meiner Freundin Holly gefunden. 
Ich will wirklich wieder viel mehr bloggen und ihr sollt wissen, dass all eure süßen Nachrichten nicht unbemerkt beiben! Danke für eure Unterstützung. Freut euch bald wieder auf mehr Fotos... aber ich will jetzt keine Versprechen machen! Haha nur ein kleiner Scherz ;)

Schönen Dienstag und ganz viel Küsse,
Minnie x
photos via Strollingnines

Tuesday night Outings

Hello, My name is Minnie and I am bad blogger.

Okay guys I did it. Finally outet myself as a bad blogger. Please forgive me yet again for the lack of posts! I came back from Berlin where I had the best time (yes it's already a week ago), and still haven't found the time to even post the photos of my short visit, which included some special and pleasant work actually. Long story short: loads of Uni work to be done, GQ x H&M event tomorrow and then apart from more Uni work, Stylight is in town and invited me and some other lovely UK bloggers to party.

Saturday 2 November 2013

B E R L I N Calling

I was just taking a break from writing up tons of coursework when I realized how soon I actually will be back to Berlin, in 5 days to be precise! WIN :D Even if it's only a short visit and I actually have some work to do, being able to spend a few days with my family and friends is always such a blessing. Since I am constantly so crazy busy here in London, taking a break from all things is always such a treat. And what better place to relax and chill out than Berlin?
So here are some photos (of a huge file) I started collecting over the years I have been living in London, whenever nostalgia stroke again. For all those of you who haven't been to Berlin yet GO GO GO - NOW!  I must admit, I am literally in love with Berlin as a city, not because it's 'cool'  or 'fashionable' to live there but because it's  home <3 
Enjoy them!

Minnie x

DE: Ich war gerade dabei eine Pause vom ganzen Lernen und Schreiben meiner Hausarbeiten zu machen, als mir klar wurde wie bald ich eigentlich wieder in Berlin sein werde. In 5 Tagen geht's los um genau zu sein! Ich freue mich so unheimlich und kann garnicht aufhören zu grinsen. :D Auch wenn es nur für einige Tage ist, und ich eigentlich auch 'geschäftlich' dort bin, freue ich mich immer wenn ich einige Tage mit meiner Familie und meinen Freunden verbringen darf. 
London kann manchmal doch super anstrengend sein, weil man andauernd was zu tun hat in dieser Stadt und wo kann man sich dann besser entspannen und chillen als in Berlin?
Zu dem Anlass, dachte ich mir daher zeige ich euch einige 'Berlin Bilder' (für diejenigen die noch nicht dort waren LOS LOS LOS ab nach Berlin)! Die Bilder haben sich innerhalb der Jahre, in denen ich in London lebe angehäuft. Wann immer die Nostalgie sich wieder breit gemacht, hat habe ich verschiedene Blogs rund um Berlin durchstöbert und das mit folgendem Ergebnis. Ich muss gestehen, ich bin buchstäblich verliebt in Berlin und das nicht weil es cool ist dort zu leben oder 'fashionable', sondern weil es einfach ein Stück Heimat ist <3
Ich hoffe die Bilder gefallen euch.

Minnie x
First set of photos via Fuck Yeah Berlin

Second set of photos via Streets Of Berlin

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