Friday 1 January 2016

Best of 2015

The past year has been both exciting and challenging. I met some inspiring people, attended fun events and worked really hard to achieve all my goals. Like everyone else I had some lows but I didn't waste too much time contemplating on the disappointments but rather worked even harder to get better and better. So here's a recap on my year with the best moments, including amazing projects, cool people I met and travels I did. I hope you enjoy! :)

DE: Das Jahr 2015 war ein sehr aufregendes Jahr für meinen Blog und gleichzeitig eine kleine Herausforderung. Ich habe viele kreative Menschen kennengelernt, war auf tollen Events und habe sehr hart dafür gearbeitet meine Ziele zu erreichen. Wie auch bei jedem anderen gab es einige Enttäuschungen. Doch habe ich immer versucht nicht davon nicht runterziehen zu lassen, sondern noch härter zu arbeiten, damit es in der Zukunft zu gewünschten Kooperationen kommt. Daher gibt es jetzt einen Jahresrückblick mit den besten Momenten des Jahres 2015. Ich hoffe ihr habt Spaß beim Durchklicken! :)

January was Fashion Week time, but I decided to lay low and not attend any shows. I must admit I enjoy LFW much more anyway. Berlin fashion Week isn't really as exciting. But what I did get to do was attending some nice events. My absolute favorite was the Blogger Bazaar Loft where us bloggers again got to stop by and chill out with the lovely ladies behind the brand and meet some old friends or make new ones. Food was delicious, I got styled by professionals and checked out some great brands like Filippa K and Zign to possibly work with. I also met the lovely Vanessa from  Midnight Couture for the first time who I got to shoot some blog photos the following months.

In February I flew out to Düsseldorf for the blog. I was invited by Styleranking  to attend the GDS (Global Destination for Shoe & Accessories)  and work as a stylist during the event. I was assigned the shoe brand Sebago to style five outfits around. Together with four other bloggers we took part in a runway show and were also interviewed afterwards. Check the whole event here! The trip to Dusseldorf was my very first one I got to do for the blog but sure not the last one. 

The next travel came up in March when a few of my friends and I drove to Prague. Thee we spent a lovely weekend exploring the city, eating delicious food and just enjoy each others company. I ´t was my second time visiting the city. Prague is among my favorite european cities. I love the old buildings and all the history, plus it's so close to drive to with the car and perfect for a short weekend getaway!

In this month we introduced the menswear category to Minnie Knows. Doing so we immediately got to work with two great brand we personally stand behind. We collaborated with Gant and s.Oliver . Chris showed you how to style some summer favorites. If you haven't seen the articles yet check them out here and here. We aim to publish even more menswear posts this year and can't wait for your feedback!

After a flying visit to London I took a plane to the beautiful island Fuerteventura. I was invited by Styleranking again for super fun blogger trip. Apart from enjoying the sunny weather and eating delicious local food, we shot some looks for different brands with the very talented Lina Zangers. I also met some of my favorite german bloggers like Leonie and Farina for the every first time. We spent a great week on the island which was definitely one of the best highlights of 2015.

This month meant even more traveling. We spent our summer vacation in Croatia. It was my first time traveling to Croatia and I was seriously overwhelmed by the beauty of this country. I flew out to Split where I stayed for a few days and instantly fell in love with the city. I resided at the Divotaa beautiful Hotel located in the old town of Split. I could have easily stayed another week or two but I had to meet up with my friends to travel further south. We drove to the island of Rab where we camped for another few days before heading back to Germany for a music festival. This month was especially special to me because I got together with my boyfriend in Rab. That's why I love this country even more. 

July meant Fashion Week again which can be fun but also super stressful. I again stayed away from the tent and made room for many events and socializing offline. My highlight was definitely the Sundowner Poolparty hosted by the Cover PR girls. I had a blast drinking champagne, talking to creative people and connecting to some of my favorite influencers. It was really nice to just chill and actually get to talk to people.

I had a great summer in Berlin and one highlight was meeting my dear Caro via Instagram whom I got to shoot someone lovely projects. Among my favorites that month were two looks we shot in collaboration with on of my favorite online shops. I showcased the 70's look for the first time and also rocked a beautiful black lace number. How did you like the looks? :)

Chris and I shot are favorite campaign of the whole year in collaboration with our lovely team at Gant. For the Diamond G Shirt campaign we got to interpret the iconic white cotton shirt our way. We created the very first couple visuals for the blog then. Caro did a great job photographing us both separately and together. How did you like our interpretation of the shirt?

As many of you know autumn is my second favorite season of the year. I shared my autumn must haves in collaboration with s.Oliver. We were super happy to get the chance to work with s.Oliver again and we look forward to many more projects with them this year. These images were shot by the lovely duo behind Apricotberlin, Jess and Tiago. I feel like Instagram has made meeting so many creatives who've helped me create great content for Minnie Knows and I am so thankful for that.

Another month, another great person met via Instagram. Truth is we Jacky and I met a month ago at an event during Berlin Fashion Week. Still we just really got to speak when we met up for coffee in Mitte. Jacky has since taken most of my photography for Minnie Knows that month including projects for Topshop  here and here & Hallhuber. I love Jackys aesthetics and  her sense of style. She's an amazing photographer and has become a great friend in such short time. I can't wait to shoot even more visuals with her in 2016. 

The final month of 2015 head al to of work to offer which is always a good sign. We published our last menswear post for the year in collaboration with our favorite brand Gant. Another great brand we shot a project for was Hallhuber. I wore the most fluffy and cosy coat in dusty pink and a beautiful leather bag which I can't put away ever since. Other brands we created creative content for during the final phase of 2015 were Kapten&Son, Cotton USA and Daniel Wellington. We need the year with a new blog layout which I love. How do you like the new look go Minnie Knows? We are so thankful for all the opportunities we got and really look forward to make even more happen this year!
2015 was indeed a great year. We strive to work even harder this year and achieve everything we dream of. Thank you everyone for your support it really means everything to me. The best feedback we can get is hearing your thoughts on our visuals, stories and style. Thanks for an amazing year, all the love and tremendous support. Let's make 2016 even more successful. I'm really excited for what's to come. To new adventures, great travels, new friends and happiness in whatever we all do. Have a great start to a new year loves!

Best of 2015

The past year has been both exciting and challenging. I met some inspiring people, attended fun events and worked really hard to achieve all my goals. Like everyone else I had some lows but I didn't waste too much time contemplating on the disappointments but rather worked even harder to get better and better. So here's a recap on my year with the best moments, including amazing projects, cool people I met and travels I did. I hope you enjoy! :)

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Weekly Update #2

Review: Since it's holiday season my week has been super relaxed and rather uneventful. I slept a lot, ate way too much and did some little last minute shopping before the shops were closed over the holidays.
Once we got back from the countryside we spent some time working on the apartment, decorating my room. Two more interior pieces arrived just in time before the holidays which I was super happy about. I can't wait for the rest to get here, hopefully tomorrow! Apart form really taking in the time off I tried to prepare some articles and new things, that are coming up on the blog next month. So stay tuned. On Friday we met the other part of my bfs family for a lovely and cozy dinner. Saturday was then reserved for doing some work at home with my siblings. We are renovating some of the rooms in my Mom's apartment. Fun but also a lot of work. That's why we used today to relax a little more and finally go to Hans im Glück again. I love the burgers there - so yummy! :) Unfortunately I didn't really take a lot of photos this week which is why I'm doing a small #tb gallery today. I hope you enjoy! What have you been up to?

Event of the week: This week's favorite happening was definitely our cozy dinner at my bfs family. It was a great day and evening of hanging out with lovely people. We had a lot to eat, joked around and listened to some 90s oldies hehe - really a typical family evening when everyone comes together and just gets to see each other, since they all live quite far from each other. 

New In: My lovely new bedside table was one of the interior pieces that arrived last week and I am in love. It's a cute black bedside table with a glass platter on top. It just goes perfectly with the interior that has been in the room before I moved in. Books fit on it perfectly and the glass platter leaves enough room for a lamp, candles and other bits and bots. I got the table from and am super pleased with it. Get yours here!

Plans: We had fun plans of spending New Year's at the sea but since minus degrees have been forecasted for the part of Germany we wanted to got to (and all the rest for that matter), we decided to stay in Berlin. Staying outside wouldn't have been fun anyways when it's super cold and especially windy. So maybe we'll leave that for next year. Our plan now is to meet up with lots of friends, have food and drinks, dance and simply enjoy the night since everyone's off. I think it'll be really fun! Also we might meet up with our lovely friends Jacky and Klemens from the blog since both are back from traveling. Jacky has just got back from a week in Mallorca - so jealous! I'd love to spend New Year's on the beach one day. Since we don't celebrate it, getting away and just having a 'normal' day would be nice I think. Maybe it'll be possible next year! 


Rückblick: Dank der Feiertage war meine letzte Woche wieder eher ereignislos. Ich habe sehr viel geschlafen, Unmengen gegessen, Filme geschaut und einige last Minute Einkäufe erledigt, bevor die Läden dann über die Feiertage geschlossen waren. Seit wir wieder aus dem Spreewald zurück sind, haben wir außerdem am Apartment gewerkelt. Montag ging es wieder zu Ikea. Leider habe ich mein Vorhänge nicht bekommen, aber meine Kleiderstange steht wenigstens schon. Auch habe ich nun endlich einen Nachttisch und eine superweiche neue Überdecke für mein Bett. Mehr Einrichtungsteile kommen hoffentlich schon morgen an. Ich kann es kaum erwarten euch dann alles zu zeigen, wenn ich fertig bin. Neben dem ganzen Relaxen und Heimwerken habe ich außerdem an einigen neuen Artikeln für den Blog gearbeitet, sowie einer tollen Veränderung für 2016. Also bleibt gespannt! Am Freitag waren wir dann bei der Familie meines Freundes zum Essen eingeladen. Wir hatten einen schönen Abend. Samstag nutzten meine Geschwister und ich den Tag zu Hause zu renovieren bevor meine Mama aus ihrem Urlaub zurück ist. Renovieren kann zwar wirklich Spaß machen, aber es ist auch eine Menge Arbeit. Da der Samstag so anstrengend war, haben wir Sonntag wieder nur relaxt und waren seit einer gefühlten Ewigkeit wieder mal im Hans im Glück. Ich liebe die Burger da einfach - so lecker! Viel fotografiert habe ich diese Woche leider nicht, weshalb ihr euch heute an einigen #tb Bildern erfreuen könnt! Was habt ihr die Woche so gemacht?

Event der Woche: Mein Highlight dieser Woche war das schöne Dinner bei der Familie meines Freundes. Wir hatten wirklich einen schönen Tag und Abend, mit leckerem Essen und lustiger 90s Musik. Es war echt lustig und schön den Großteil der Familie mal gleichzeitig beisammen zu haben.

New In: Meine liebste Neuanschaffung ist eines der Interior Teile die letzte Woche ankamen, nämlich der tolle schwarze Nachttisch von Otto. Ich finde er passt wirklich toll in den Einrichtungsstil meines Zimmers. Ihr müsst wissen, ich bin in eine WG gezogen und da unser Apartment eine Eigentumswohnung ist, war vieles an Einrichtung schon vorhanden. Da musste ich mich dann natürlich anpassen. Umso happier bin ich, dass der Nachtisch so gut rein passt. Er ist schwarz und hat oben eine Glasplatte als Albstellfläche. Bücher, eine Tischlampe und andere Kleinigkeiten wie Kerzen haben genug Platz. Hier könnt ihr ihn auch bestellen, wenn er euch genauso gut gefällt wie mir. :)

Pläne: Eigentlich hatten wir ja vor über Neujahr mit Freunden ans Meer zu fahren, doch da Minusgrade für die kommende Tage vorhergesagt wurden, bleiben wir lieber in Berlin. Wäre auch schade ans Meer zu fahren und dann wegen Kälte und Wind die gesamte Zeit nur im Haus bleiben zu müssen. Naja vielleicht heben wir uns das für nächstes Jahr auf. Jetzt steht eine Party mit Freunden auf dem Plan, was auch lustig werden sollte. Außerdem treffen wir uns vorher vielleicht noch mit unseren Freunden Jacky und Klemens vom Blog bevor das neue Jahr hier ist, denn beide sind von ihren Reisen zurück. Jacky war gerade nämlich eine Woche auf Mallorca ein wenig Sonne tanken - so unfair haha! Ich fände es auch super den Jahreswechsel mal am Strand zu verbringen, abseits des ganzen Feuerwerks. Das stelle ich mir eigentlich auch ganz schön vor, zumal ich Silvester ja sowieso nicht zelebriere. Mal sehen, vielleicht kann man das ja für das nächste Mal richtig planen. 


Weekly Update #2

Review: Since it's holiday season my week has been super relaxed and rather uneventful. I slept a lot, ate way too much and did some little last minute shopping before the shops were closed over the holidays.

Monday 28 December 2015

The Quilted Jacket

Happy Monday lovely people! Today's article is the last menswear outfit post in 2015. How crazy right? I feel like we just introduced our new category and now the year is almost over.
Just a few more days and we're in 2016. Surreal really. We hope you have enjoyed the looks Chris showed each month. For those of you who haven't seen and read them check all of them here. Which one was you favorite? I must say I loved them all but my favorites were the complete s.Oliver look where he showed you how to wear stripes and  this Gant look featuring the super sleek and classic Diamond G Shirt. Both look and photography were just on point here! Today's outfit is a really casual one that was actually shot back in autumn. But to be honest with the pleasant weather at the moment you could easily wear this outfit today. Chris paired his cool quilted Gant jacket with a similar navy colored chino. The printed white tee and Vans sneaker gave his outfit a sporty touch. He added a scarf for cooler temperatures in the evening and further some color with the striped Happy Socks. Fun twist! How do you like it?

He was wearing:

Topman T-Shirt (similar here or here)
H&M Scarf (similar here)

DE: Ich wünsche euch allen einen tollen Montag und super Start in die neue Woche. Kaum zu fassen, dass dies der letzte Blogbeitrag zum Thema Männermode in diesem Jahr ist. Nur noch einige Tage und wir schreiben schon das Jahr 2016. Wirklich verrückt, wie ich finde. Die Zeit ist so schnell vergangen, mir kommt es vor als hätten wir gestern erst die neue Rubrik zum Thema Menswear vorgestellt. Wir hoffen die Looks die Chris bis dato gezeigt hat, haben euch gefallen und inspirieren können. Für diejenigen, die sie noch nicht gesehen haben schaut doch mal hier vorbei. Welches ist euer liebstes Outfit gewesen? Ich muss zugeben ich fand alle sehr toll! Am meisten haben mir jedoch der komplette s,Oliver Look und dieses Gant Outfit, mit dem Diamond G Shirt gefallen. Outfits sowie Fotografie waren hier einfach am besten meiner Meinung nach. Das heutige Outfit ist ein lässiger Herbstlook, den wir tatsächlich auch vor einer Weile schon abfotografiert haben. Doch so angenehm wie die Temperaturen zurzeit sind, könnte man das Outfit auch heute tragen. Chris kombinierte zu seiner Gant Steppjacke eine Chino in ähnlichem dunkelblau. Das weiße T-Shirt mit Print und die Vans gaben seinem Outfit einen sportlichen Touch. Mein Highlight jedoch: die verspielten Happy Socks im Streifenmuster. Wie findet ihr den Look? 
Ph. by Carolin
In collaboration with Gant. Styling, photography and opinions my own. 
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