Tuesday 14 April 2015

Leather Essentials

Leather jackets are another wardrobe staple everyone needs. This little baby was sent to me by Edited along with the most comfy Chanel-like two-toned espadrilles. This attire must be my favourite, stylish yet super comfy and practical. My cute YSL crossbody bag added the right amount of chicness to my otherwise quite casual look! 

I was wearing
Edited the Label Leather Jacket
Pavement Espadrilles 
Topshop Top
H&M Jeans

DE: Eine coole Lederjacke ist ein weiteres Must-Have im Kleiderschrank jeder Frau, aber auch jedes Mannes. Meine wurde emir netterweise vom Online Shop Edited bereitgestellt. Dazu passend, erhielt ich diese Pavement Espadrilles, auch aus Leder, im Stil von Chanel. Dies ist einer meiner absoluten Lieblingslooks - stylisch und gemütlich und praktisch. Meine süße YSL Tasche gibt meinem sehr lässigen Look einen schicken Touch. Voila!
Ph. by Timelessmotives
In collaboration with Edited.de. Styling, photography and opinions my own. 

Leather Essentials

Leather jackets are another wardrobe staple everyone needs. This little baby was sent to me by Edited along with the most comfy Chanel-like two-toned espadrilles. This attire must be my favourite, stylish yet super comfy and practical. My cute YSL crossbody bag added the right amount of chicness to my otherwise quite casual look! 


Monday 13 April 2015

Gant Rugger Girl

Berlin has been feeling a lot like Summer lately, so I finally got to style my favorite Gant Rugger Spring Summer 2015 pieces. Surprise surprise, it's stripes again. I might be taking the whole stripe thing too far, but I mean seriously, a striped shirt is THE wardrobe staple. 

You all need one! Mine is as said before by Gant Rugger's coming collection. I styled it with the most comfy boyfriend jeans, also Gant Rugger. The whole look got a classic twist by adding my Trench. My shoe game hasn't really changed the past few weeks: Stan Smith Sneaker all the way guys. Happy Monday lovelies!

I was wearing
Gant Rugger Shirt
Gant Rugger Jeans
Hallhuber Trenchcoat
Stan Smith Sneaker
Bag bought in Italy

DE: Endlich wird es wieder wärmer in Berlin, Zeit also meine Lieblingsteile der aktuellen Frühjahr/Sommer Kollektion von Gant Rugger anzuziehen und den Look mit Timelessmotives für euch abzulichten. Wie ihr seht, schon wieder ein gestreiftes Hemd. Das gehört einfach in den Kleiderschrank jeder Frau. Es lässt sich perfekt zu einer Boyfriend Jeans stylen. Dazu kombinierte ich meinen beigen Trenchcoat, um meinen Look einen klassischen Touch zu geben. Meine Stan Smith Sneaker dürfen natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Happy Monday meine Lieben!
Ph. by Timelessmotives
In collaboration with Gant Rugger. Styling, photography and opinions my own. 

Gant Rugger Girl

Berlin has been feeling a lot like Summer lately, so I finally got to style my favorite Gant Rugger Spring Summer 2015 pieces. Surprise surprise, it's stripes again. I might be taking the whole stripe thing too far, but I mean seriously, a striped shirt is THE wardrobe staple. 


Thursday 9 April 2015


Coachella is happening again really soon! Are you guys going? I wish I was. While I'm not, but working from bed all week, I took a break and spent it sourcing some cool festival inspiration, also while dreaming I was one of those packing bags and leaving for California! Well, maybe next year. For all those of you lucky enough to be part of this amazing Music & Fashion event, here is some Inspo on what to wear and how to style it. Enjoy!

DE: OMG Leute bald ist es wieder soweit. Das jährliche Coachella Musik Festival findet diese Monat statt. Lange geht es Beileides Festival nicht mehr nur um Musik, sondern vor allem auch um die Mode vor Ort. Kein Wunder also, dass alle Blogger gerade 'on the way' sind, nach Kalifornien  Ja alle, außer mir. Ich liege im Bett und arbeite. Dennoch lasse ich es mir nicht nehmen, einige coole Outfit Tipps für diejenigen rauszusuchen, die das Glück haben, dabei sein zu dürfen! Geht ihr zu Coachella dieses Jahr? Oder zu einem anderen Musik Festival? Hier habt ihr einige Inspirationen, für Outfits und Styling. Enjoy!
Photos via Pinterest
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