Tuesday 15 September 2015

How To Get Blog Traffic Through Instagram

The more followers I get on Instagram (we're now on 22K @minnieknows) the more emails and direct messages I receive on how I gained a lot of followers. Check my latest Tips on it here. But Recently I've been also getting emails on how to use other social media channels effectively and drive traffic from it. So here are three tips that seem to be working for me when it comes to yes, Instagram:

1. Use an appealing teaser in high resolution quality
The teaser image of a blogpost you want to promote is the very first image your followers will see on Instagram so make sure its a great one! Always use hi-res images taken with DSLR (at least that's what works best for). I recommend to always use hi-res on announcing a new blogpost coming online. Otherwise Instagram is a tool for showing your followers your personal style and a glimpse of your daily life. So keep it raw while proving top quality photographs. They will stimulate your followers curiosity and drive them to your blog.

2. Provide your blog URL in your bio
Since it's still not possible to include URLs in a caption, make sure to put your Blog's URL down in your bio. This way you can always change it to the latest article so your readers will be redirected straight to the current article on your blog. It's the only place on Instagram where an active hyperlink can put.Apart from only putting the URL in you bio it's equally important to make followers aware of the fact that it's actually there. So let them know in you photos caption. This way you'll use the link in the most effective ay possible.

3. Write catchy headlines
By catchy I mean witty, fun, personal and interesting. Your readers should want to get know the story behind a teaser image. Again stimulate their curiosity! Tell them a little bit about your story and show them where to find the rest of it, namely on your blog. This combined with a beautiful photo will work wonders.

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I hope this will help you drive more traffic to you blog! Try it out an let me know if you see any changes. I'd be curious to hear how that works for you. Do you have other tips on how to get more blog traffic through Instagram? Let me know and happy Tuesday!

Ph via Pinterest


  1. Thank you for your tips!
    Many thanks for kind comment on my blog. Do you want to follow each other?
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. You're welcome dear :) Hope this will help you.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank Ivana! Hope the tips will help you.

  3. Du sagst es! :) Und du hast einen wunderschönen Blog, da werde ich mich gleich mal durch die letzten Seiten klicken <3

    Liebe Grüße,


    1. Awww wie süß! Danke liebe Leonie <3


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